Learning Reflection Description Text


Hello everyone 
This time we're going to do a reflection on learning "Description Text". 
This reflection is to make us understand more about the material Description Text.


1. Descriptive text function to explain something. Whether it's people, objects, events or places. Descriptive text provides detailed explanations so that readers understand the object of information they are looking for.

(Teks deskriptif berfungsi untuk menjelaskan sesuatu. Entah itu orang, benda, peristiwa, atau tempat. Teks deskriptif memberikan penjelasan secara detail sehingga pembaca memahami objek informasi yang mereka cari.)

2. Social Function 

A. Ad Creation (Pembuatan Iklan)

Fungsi teks deskripsi dalam sebuah iklan bisa sebagai penjelasan lebih rinci mengenai produk atau jasa yang ditawarkan.

B. Notification of Missing Persons or Criminals (Pemberitahuan Orang Hilang atau Pelaku Kriminal)

Pemberitahuan orang hilang atau pelaku kriminal sangat membutuhkan teks deskripsi agar bisa menggambarkan ciri-ciri orang tersebut. 

•Descriptive text can be used for other purposes because the content of the descriptive text itself explains in detail about the topic. 

(Teks deskripsi bisa digunakan dengan tujuan lainnya karena isi dari teks deskripsi sendiri menjelaskan secara detail mengenai topiknya.)

3. Structures of a descriptive text:

A. Identification (Introduction/classification) answer the question about what specific topic, person, idea, or thing is being described or explained and how is the topic being described or explained.

B.Description (Characteristic features) answer the question about what features or characteristic are important to remember or understand about the topic being described.

4. Descriptive text juga menggunakan panca indra atau 5 sense dalam mendeskripsikan suatu hal, antara lain :

1. Sight (melihat)

2. Smell (menghirup/mencium)

3. Hearing (mendengar)

4. Taste (merasakan)

5. Touch (menyentuh)

5. Adjective word order

In descriptive text, there is a formula for using adjectives, called the OSASCOMP.

O = Opinion (Atitude/Observation)

S = Size (Size/Height)

A = Age (How old is it?)

S = Shape (Shape/Weight/Length)

C = Color (Color/Approximate color)

O = Origin (Where is it from?)

M = Material (What is it made of?)

P = Purpose (What is it used for?)

6. Language components are used Descriptive text: 

A. Specific participant: Examples of Specific Participant like "Bandengan beach", "my house", "Borobudur temple" are all examples of specifie and uncommon Subjects.

B. The use adjectives: they can be adjectives, adjective phrases, or land adjective clauses 

C. The use of simple present tense: is used in sentences that express activities or facts that happen in the present. This tense uses only one verb. 

D. The use of action verbs: it can be something which is not common and usually unique because it is the only one in the world.

Recommendation for My Teacher

You can motivate your students to deepen their knowledge well. However, try not to talk too fast, because as a student I don't understand if I listen to a teacher who talks fast. And maybe there are fun activities to do in learning that are good, that are still within the realm and purpose of learning.


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