Descriptive Text


Hello everyone, back again with me aghnia zafira in the twilight story blog. On this occasion I will show you about my understanding of learning at school about "Descriptive Text".


What is?
Descriptive Text function to explain something Whether d's people, objects, events or places. Descriptive text provides detailed explanations so that readers. understand the object of information they are looking for.
(Teks Deskriptif berfungsi untuk menjelaskan sesuatu baik itu orang, benda, peristiwa atau tempat. Teks deskriptif memberikan penjelasan rinci sehingga pembaca dapat memahaminya. memahami objek informasi yang dicarinya.)

Structure Descriptive Text

-Identification is to introduce the person, place and the object 
(Identifikasi adalah memperkenalkan orang, tempat dan benda)
-Description gives the detail of the person, place, and the object described
(Deskripsi memberikan rincian tentang orang, tempat, dan objek yang dideskripsikan)

Language components are used Descriptive text:
1. Specific participant
2. Adjectives
3. Simple present tense
4. Action verb

Rumus Menata Kalimat Adjective/ Adjective Word Order
Rumus untuk menggunakan adjective, disebut dengan OSASCOMP.
O = Opinion (Atitude/Observation)
S = Size (Size/Height)
A = Age (How old is it?)
S = Shape (Shape/Weight/Length)
C = Color (Color/Approximate color)
O = Origin (Where is it from?)
M = Material (What is it made of?)
P = Purpose (What is it used for?)

Deskriptive Text juga menggunakan panca indra atau 5 sense dalam mendeskripsikan suatu hal, antara lain :
1. Sight (melihat)
2. Smell (menghirup/mencium)
3. Hearing (mendengar)
4. Taste (merasakan)
5. Touch (menyentuh)

Struktur Kalimat/ Sentense Structure
Sentense structure : S-V-O + M-P-T(Adverb)
S = Subject
V = Verb
O = Object
Adverb = 5W+1H (What, Who, Why, Where, When, How)

Transitive dan Intransitive
-Transitive is a verb that must be followed by a noun or object.
(verb (kata kerja) yang harus diikuti dengan noun atau objek.)
-Intransitive is a verb that does not require an object or noun. 
(verb (kata kerja) yang tidak membutuhkan objek atau noun.)

Adverb of Manners
adverb that explains how to do something. So how it works is to explain the method of a word.
(kata keterangan yang menjelaskan bagaimana cara melakukannya. Jadi cara kerjanya untuk menerangkan cara dari sebuah kata.)

•Adverb of Place
adverb to a place. Its function is to clarify a word.
(kata keterangan pada sebuah tempat. Fungsinya untuk penjelas sebuah kata.)

Adverb of Frecuency & Time
adverbs of time. Its function is also to clarify a word, especially in time.
(kata keterangan pada waktu. Fungsinya juga untuk memperjelas sebuah kata khususnya pada waktunya.)

Making Sentences of Descriptive Text

First we must have a theme or topic. Then each paragraph focuses on its own topic.
(Pertama kita harus memiliki tema atau topik. Lalu pada setiap paragraf berfokus pada topiknya masing-masing.)

(In the first paragraph for identification, the first description describes the shape, the second describes the color, and the third describes the use, etc.)
Pada paragraf pertama untuk identifikasi, pada deskripsi pertama menjelaskan mengenai bentuk, deskripsi yang kedua menjelaskan tentang warna tersebut, dan deskripsi yang ketiga mengenai kegunaan, dan lain sebagainya.

Example Theme or Topic:
Education-School-Vocational School-Majoring Visual Design

using the SVOMPT formula to create sentences.

1.) Example for Identification:
Visual design is a combination of art, technology and communication that creating and making aesthetic of a product consistent.

2.) Example Description 1:
The art means bringing out the creativity that is in the mind, can be created on digital or manual. The art means expressing emotion, thoughts, and ideas through creative forms.

3.) Example Description 2:
The subject in Visual Design program are creating illustration, cartoon, packaging and 3D. In visual Design we are also learn about editing videos, photography and typography.

In photography, students learn the art of capturing moments through the lens, exploring compositions and lighting technique.

In typography, students learn more about the art of arranging letters and text, in a way that makes the text legible, clear and visually appealing to the reader.

4.) Example Description 3:
Creating on digital is technique that uses digital media, for example computer and handphone

Creating manual means making art using manual technique like sketching with a pencil, painting and drawing.

Hopefully it can be useful for friends who want to learn about "Descriptive Text". Thank you everyone and see you again


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